I am glad I have today as my rest day. Sunday being a day of reflection and also preparation for next week as well.
Let's talk about reflection a bit here. The amount of time I've put into exercising this past week has been more than I've done over the past 4 years - probably in total, but maybe that's an exaggeration.
My life, since 2010, has been horrible. A business owner who, through a very bad set of circumstances (floods, bad clients, bad staff, bad advice, bad timing) gave my whole business a punch in the guts so hard, that it will take years to recover from. So for three years, up until two months ago, I'd been working crazy stupid hours. Anywhere from 0400am - 0900pm most days. Why? It was either that or bankruptcy.
Being so exhausted yet so busy, meant that I was always on the go, always stressed and had little 'me' time. I am fortunate that I have a very supportive partner (also a business owner), who understood the demands that were on me. My daughter - soon to be 20 - and living away at Uni was also a huge support.
But my weight just ballooned. Prior to 2010 I had foot troubles as well, plantar faciitis in both feet made it very excruciating to walk. Again, that was the real start of the weight gain, but my 2010 schedule onwards made it impossible to lose weight. I went from a size 12 to a size 18. That's where I am now.
Things changed. I managed to get a manager to run the day to day operation of one of my businesses, while I concentrated on the other business. (Dumb, dumb, dumb to run more than 1 business - but both businesses are needed to make each other survive.)
That's when I started looking at myself at last and recognising that I needed help, but I also needed to do it for myself. I'd always been too scared to look more into personal trainers at the gym. I was lucky with Jo at Evoke Fitness. She was 'older', more understanding of day to day pressures and limitations and I found her by luck. Previously any personal trainer would not understand pain (especially in my feet), so it always limited my progress and increased my feeling of isolation.
I am thankful for Michelle Bridges and #12WBT team. Jo, my personal trainer who's been helping to correct me doing the exercises has also praised the program, the nutrition and exercises as a perfect blend of whole body care and attention. She's as excited as I am to get next week's training plan!
Now I have 3 of my gym fitness instructors in on the act, they are checking my progress and are around if I need reassurance on doing any of the exercises.
They have also been a bit cheeky and increasing a few weights and timings, when they feel I can do it....but that's a good thing.
To go from 25% flexibility to 40% flexibility in 1 week, to me, is an outstanding improvement. Previously, I couldn't bend down and pick things up off the floor without at first hesitating and having to hold on. Now, I don't even think about it. That is a huge difference to my quality of life and I am grateful that I have this day to reflect on these changes that have taken place just over the past 6 days.
Noticing these changes is keeping me motivated for Week 2.
To me, getting through the first few days was always going to be the hardest. I've done that, so I feel I have the drive to continue on - even if I think push ups are torturous and I can't stand any exercise that involves jumping!