Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 10 #WBT - As predicted - a disappointment on the scales - but 8cm lost!

Yesterday I was psyching myself up as I knew I hadn't dropped the kilos, even though I was following the program as hard as I could.

I knew there were changes happening and my clothes were feeling looser.  But still today I had hoped for maybe even a .200gm loss. 

Nope.  Nothing.  I am exactly the same as I was last week.  (*heavy sigh*)

But even though I was feeling sad that I had put in 14 hours in gym time over the past 7 days for no kilo loss result, I wasn't going to be beaten by what the numbers said on the scale today.  I took out the tape measure and measured up - comparing what I was 10 days ago. 

The big result is that I've lost 8cm off my waist.  E I G H T!

That's this much:


So that's a big win.  And with that, I managed to haul my sorry self to the gym and smashed out today's cardio program.  I almost did 10km today on the bike, rowing machine and treadmill.  That's an epic win too.  I'm trying to fill my life with positives, because I really am devastated I didn't lose any weight. Maybe next week, I'll see a difference in those numbers and celebrate with a white wine spritzer!

I'm still disappointed, but I'll count my calories harder and make sure I record them.  Perhaps I've erred somewhere in my nutrition and haven't realised?

I appreciate that with exercise, fat gets replaced with muscle and that's most likely the cause of no kilo loss.  But it would have been nice to see some shift downwards.

OK, I won't dwell on this.  Just saying.  I'll keep chipping away at it.

Thanks for listening.

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